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Hi all just starting out again after a long hiatus and would like to ask you all your opinion on what mediums and nutrients I should start of with I used to use a recycling top drip system with rocks and canna nutrients but I now would like to hand water in a coco perlite mix under 600W

Should I do a 50/50 coco perlite? Or is there something better out there

And with all the different brands of nutrients out there whitch one is worth trying?


I'm asking you guys because I have been to all the hydro shops in my area and none of them seem to really even give a shit. I think they must be getting enough money from commercial

growers to not care about giving decent customer service to a guy who is going to only buy a few hundred bucks worth of equipment


Ooops sorry I think I was at the union rally for a minute there... anyway thanks for any info/thoughts

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50/50 Coco & Worm Castings is the best. Coco is great at hold Air so perlite is a waste good Coco area.


Make sure you use specific Coco nutes or you will run into trouble.


Canna has arguably the best nutes.


Canna Coco A & B (Main Feed)

Cannazym by canna ( converts deed root material into food)

Canna PK13/14 ( used for 1 week during early flowering

Canna Rhizotonic or Seasol or any other seaweed based root supplement.


Canna Boost is not worth the money for the extra gain.


Don't forget to buy Treatment for Fungus Gnats there are many available and all seem to work, but it's essential

Good luck

Edited by buzzo
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Many of us have diffrent opinions on what to use and what is the best when it comes to growing mediums and nutrients.


For me i only ever use 100% perlite, others like DWC where water is ya medim so to speak or a mix or diffrent mediums like 70% coco and 30% perlite mix and will swear by it others will just 100% coco, the perlite is used to help airate the coco.


For me i only use Growth Technology Optimum range and swear by it for me cana ya pay a lot for the name.


What it will boil down to in the end is what method of growing and what medium and nutes you use will depend on u on how you like to do things we all find our own lil of doing things that work for us and we keep at it...

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Thanks for taking the time to answer buzzo and ozzy420

after not walking into a hydro shop for years I thought alot had changed but you can't really re-write the books on basic hydroponics


But I would like to start a "mother room" where the females will not flower but stay in the vegetive stage for as long as possible and from what I hear perlite can cause salt build up over time is this true?

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Hey Medi-


Check my l newest grow, I have 3 mum's, 2 of them are more than 1 yr old. They have been in 100% coco from day dot. Coco is easy, hand watered, super simple. To keep mum's for years, you should probably familiarise yourself with bonsai-ing cannabis, again super easy, and very possible to have mom's for decades.


The salt build-up can happen to any medium, including pearlite or coco, it's just a matter of rinsing occasionally with water.





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Thanks for all your info ,


I'm going to use coco with clayballs a couple of inches deep in the bottom of the pot


As for the nutrients well... I'm using a brand called growrite it's cheap but that's due to me being broke


I have a feminized auto purple poison from sweet seeds that has just started showing roots I will also be trying to clone this , I hear you can't but I will try and post the pics


Does any one know any links for info on mother rooms? Im sure there is some in canaversity but my crap forum skills couldn't find any


Thanks again guys

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