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First Time Grower In Brisbane

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I haven't successfully grown any plants yet. I have plenty of seed from different batches I have bought. I tried to grow some earlier in the season, but they flowered and went to seed months ago and were only about 2feet high. Does anyone know what will happen if I start again now? I'm growing outdoors near Brisbane. I'm only growing for my personal use so I don't need a big result, but I do like good Heads rather than leaf.

Any ideas?

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i'll just post here instead of starting a new topic. can anybody give me a definite time to plant and approximate harvest time. i've heard its around september that u plant, and march when u harvest. is that right? i'm looking at growing sativa strains outdoors, mabye start them indoors so they don't die early in growth. how many months do they need to grow fully? if u plant late in the season, say october or december instead of september, then the plant will just be smaller right? thanks in advance


btw when is the exact date that the days start becoming shorter, (im in queensland if that matters..)

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Hey wack0, it is not nice to high jack some one eales thread, but it can depend on the strain u are growing some take longer than others if u want a not so big plant just plant it latter in the year but before the days get too there longest peroid, if u start them off under 24/0 under lights then put them out side thay should not turn too bud until the days get shorter, but i think it manly comes down to what strain it is on how long budding takes.
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Guest Wilderbud

Yeah late September is a good time to plant - just after the ground starts warming again during the nights. Harvest time depends on the strain but April is probably the average harvest time.


A good idea is to grow indoors and flower outdoors until you get a proper setup - you can flower at most times outdoors here if you switch from 24/0 but watch out for mould and re-vegging if you flower out-of-season. You can grow a decent plant to 1 foot under compact fluorescents [CFs] and still get a few ounces in about 4 months if all goes well .


Have fun!

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Cheers Dude - thanx for that. I'll give it a go.

So, Compact Flouros do the job quite OK?

I suppose though that growing indoors, I'll need an extractor fan as well. I'm pretty short of space though. What sort of physical space do you think I'd need.

I have height, but can't afford a large footprint. Would it work in a box of say 40cm square by about 1.8 metres high?

Cheers and thanx

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