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Kush this and Kush that...whats with all the Kush?!

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Hello Everyone!


So for those that don't know me I have not been around for about 8 years. I have been fighting cancer for that time and won! Now I am healed and back on my feet I am looking at how the cannabis community has changed.


I have noticed that so many people are growing Kush and when you go to market here in Toronto all the high end commerciial is some kind of Kush. Purple Kush, Pink Kush, OG Kush, Super Kush, King kush, Rock Star Kush, LA Kush, Tuna Kush, Salmon Kush, this kush that kush, its all kush!



What the hell happened? I have also seen this Kush price range and quality range from 2800 to 4200 a pound! I just can't believe it! The other thing is that its in demand! The kush is all very smelly like road kill skunk, , and has a very distinct kush taste. The stone is powerful and strong indica.


Just curious is why is this the new norm? Why is everyone growing Kush? Do you have this trend down under or is this a Canadian thing?




Miss KIttyKat

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Hello Ms KK , lol sounds like you like kush .......we dont realy have the same sort of market in Aus like you seem to have in Canada so when we go to "market" all the weed is basically called weed ,....I imagine that price goes hand in hand with quality so if we did have a market place like you do over there us Aussie would cain the highest priced gear expecting it to be the best ...... ........... same goes with Sativas and Indicas ...I know i would :P


Also from a commercial growers point of view ....which im not btw..... it would just be good business to grow a product that is going to demand a price in the higher end of the price range


Maybe someone should breed something better..... then market the ying yang outa it ....might solve your problem Ms KK....... lol probly not though


Take it easy

Cheers :) Brimstond

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Kush now in a whole is a marketing ploy, where although this is in the US, of 'medical clubs' just slapping a crazy name in front of kush and just calling it that, no matter what the genetics in the plant are. EG they have shit like Obama kush etc etc. Must be one hell of a sub species :P Imo its similar to the use of 'dro' in america to say this is good bud. But really all it meant was the bud was grown hyDROponically.
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Gday Ms kitty

welcome back..

But first of all :give_rose: Congratulations on winning your fight, with that dirty mongrel cancer..

dont know ya ,but im super stoked for ya.. :yahoo:


Yeah Kush ..i guess most of it is about early maturation..more harvests a year,more coin

also with most being indoors ..comes the need for heavy yielding, tight compact plants ..

for those growing outdoors ..in far southern or northern hemispheres ..with short summers time to mature before frosts..

just my guess ..but i am a bias indica lover



that said i love my affie ..use it for anx ..(slows me up abit ) just a good solid stone that relaxes me ..lets me think instead of bouncing off the walls..


the melt,and concentrate meds are mostly high cbd content as well ..


seems the ol days of floral smell ,taste,racy highs.. are for the few that dont mind waiting 12+ weeks

today is all about who cuts the most first..(commercial) lol


all the best Samu

Edited by Samurai
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hey miss kk again as samurai said welcome back and totally stoked for you in beating cancer you little beaudy ! i like yourself and others found this kush thing a bit crazy so i decided to try these kushes out for myself this year , allthough like most here i am not a commercial grower ( in saying that i share my harvest with imediate family ) ,i decided to grow these kushes as its very intriguing to an indica loving family and look forward to seeing what the hypes about also
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kush's come in all shapes and sizes but be warned a lot of the really good kush's come with a low yield. i dont know where people got the idea they yield well?


dont get me wrong i grow a lot of vanilla kush and t always produces heavy yields. but on the other hand i grow a lot of og kush's and og crosses etc aswell and they are usually some extreme high quality smoke covered in resin some even with good hybrid highs but they really suffer in the yield department.


if your not a commercial grower than i highly recommend giving some a try. gage green genetics have good reliable strains and they use some of the best cuts around in there crosses if you can get your hands on there stuff.

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It's who I am :egyptdance: Welcome to OS MissKittyKat,great to hear you won your battle,did you use any medicinal strains to help out or? I'd guess no or you def would have heard of kush,I know that OG Bubba kush is considered THE cancer strain,like all medicinal strains it's very high in THC and CBD,go get yourself some! Peace


Kush' :bongon:

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