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Family Complaints of Medical use



Hey all,


I was wondering if anyone had the same sort of weird responses from family etc...

I have a family member that I'm staying with....

Who smokes up daily...

But yet thinks I have a problem because I medicate my severe sleep issues with green....

wtf kind of weird is that?


I choose to use something other than the proscribed sleep meds which make me a zombie the next day....

Instead I smoke a little, go to bed.. n feel good in the morning...


Anyone had any experience dealing with weird double standard prejudice against medicinal use?

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But yet thinks I have a problem because I medicate my severe sleep issues with green....

wtf kind of weird is that?


I choose to use something other than the proscribed sleep meds which make me a zombie the next day....

Instead I smoke a little, go to bed.. n feel good in the morning...


Anyone had any experience dealing with weird double standard prejudice against medicinal use?


I haven't had any severe reactions from anyone I know however they did do the usual line of questioning one night while sinking copious amounts of alcohol at a get -together. I had to point out the many many signs that he and his partner are alcoholics (or are very close). I'm sure that situation has played out in many of our events as Australia loves it's alcohol.


That made the person angry and they denied it, but that's what happens when people are faced with facts they don't like, especially personal facts they may've been struggling with.


In relation to your relation, is he smoking all day to escape from reality or something? You have a reason whereas you don't indicate any reason for your relation's smoking? Maybe he's pre-empting something by saying it? Maybe he's feeling weird because he doesn't seem to have a reason to smoke all day? Maybe he feels self-conscious and thinks you're having a go at them by stating you have reasons to smoke Cannabis?


The guilty have a tendency to say or do things without instigation to protect their guilt and your relation might be struggling with the reason why they smoke all the time. You have a reason (insomnia) and that might be agitating your relation as they may not know why they are seemingly addicted to cannabis


...or your relation is just ignorant and The Stoned Jester is correct



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I think those people with Terminal Cancer, MS and wide array of other illnesses that have no opportunity to grow their own medicine or find access to their medicine. Or those that have been raided or caught out smoking in public when they are outside a hospital etc by the police would agree with you here.


It's still illegal for people with cancer to grow or smoke cannabis here in Queensland, or so i'm led to believe.

Edited by Allotropy
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Good info above, they are the two main cannabinoids found within cultivars grown around the world. Does not mean they are the sole perpetrators of the effects that grace us form the cannabis plants, i think there are 50+ active cannabinoids (someone correct me may include all chemicals including turpines) But yeh turpines found on the cannabis plant and others also have medicinal effect etc etc. I believe it's the raito of these chemicals together that dictate what effect each specific flower will have on our minds and bodies, also again everyone is different what may work for someone may not work for others!
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