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Hi misunderstood plant enthusiasts,


I'm currently in a bit of an enviable pickle right now. I found out after not speaking and avoiding each other for a year that my next door neighbour is a cannabis breeder of the highest quality. He is a particularly avant sativa fan. I've been helping him haul boxes and crates o his new apartment up the road for the last 2 month and have earned a couple of free bags of his seeds. I'm looking to take 2 pure sativas as kind of a novelty strain for day smoking and am very blessed to have access to some rarer varieties. J has the following:

- Thai stick

- Original haze

- Panama Red

- Neville's haze

- Cinderella-99


I'm willing to take 2 sativas max - have any of you guys had experience with these before and can comment. Factors are growing ease and pre sativa effect. J tells me I'de be silly not to consider the Panama and Cinderella, but I'm open to ideas. They will most likely be started inside until they're strong enough to finish the long flower cycle in the mid-NSW climate.

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thanks for the input guys. I chose the same options as you suggested Wilderbud. The Panama-red is supposed to be an amazing sativa high, on par with the Original haze and thai stick without the ridiculous flowering times.

I also hear that Thai can end up at 5 m tall and my cupboard certainly isn't that big. I know the cinderella has some indica in it but is supposed to be a pretty potent mind-fuck.


If I had the space I'de love to put them all outdoors over a long summer and would probably yield enough for the whole forum - maybe I'll start with seeds first.

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Good fortune smiles on Bears too :thumbsup:


Below is cut&paste from Ace seeds who sell panama & thai stick commercially , thought it may interest you;


Thai Stick was one of the most famous thai sativas imported into North America during the 70s and the 80s.

These imported powerful and appreciated sativa flowers came from Thailand compactly packed in small stems of cannabis.

Such was the potency of those Thai Sticks that smokers believed that they were bathed in hashish or opium.

This much loved sativa that has been practically extinct in the usual cannabis-growers environment over the last decades.



Panama combines 3 excellent sativas from Panama. It is one of the most popular, powerful and high yielding sativa in our catalogue.

Very elaborated hybrid of great potency and vegetative vigor.

It produces beautiful, large, dense flowers full of trichomes often showing reddish and pinkish shades when flowering.

Its aroma and effect are reminiscent of the best red Colombian and Panamanian sativas from the 70s.



good luck with 'em Bear :peace:

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I don't really no what I am looking for because I can't say I've ever tasted a 100% pure sativa. I've had some great experiences with some designer sativas like green crack and lemon haze and was pretty impressed but I really am looking for some energetic bud that I can clean my house on or fold my washing or some such remedial chore that is draining precious minutes from my life.

C-99 and P-Red it is for certain then find a decent mother and start dropping clones all over the east coast.


Hooo-fucking-ray for neighbours that turn out to be cool!

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