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Hi all, another question :(


Did a water at 6ph and runoff was 5.1, was wondering why it was so low? And how I can stop it?


I've always watered at 5.9-6.1ph. And made sure runoff was correct.


Is it because I let the coco dry out too much? My plants look like theyvr got nute lockout as the leaves are light green and yellowing showing all signs of low nutes .



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i actually had a similar result to tangwena. cheap coco and i flushed and flushed and flushed but no matter what i did my plants didnt do well and my ph was always off. changed brands of coco and repotted and hey presto one flush and my ph was perfect and plants took off.


but first just try running a good flush 3x the amount of water that your pot would hold with plain ph'd water or some low strength ph'd nutrient and see if ti comes good.


im no coco pro though but this is my experience

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