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whats the right way to dry&cure?

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hi all I am new to growing i have read alot online about growing but i never seem to get good info on drying and cureing

its mid aug. and it lookes like the plants want to start budding. so i have sum time for good info from you.



so im looking for advise from good growers


best way to dry and cure


thanks every1

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hi all I am new to growing i have read alot online about growing but i never seem to get good info on drying and cureing

its mid aug. and it lookes like the plants want to start budding. so i have sum time for good info from you.



so im looking for advise from good growers


best way to dry and cure


thanks every1



I find in the dark 24 degrees with a light oscilating fan is perfect you can also use a dehumidifier in the drying room to speed things up. And be sure to use a filter keeps the smell to a minimum.

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I find in the dark 24 degrees with a light oscilating fan is perfect you can also use a dehumidifier in the drying room to speed things up. And be sure to use a filter keeps the smell to a minimum.

I agree, contary to popular belief curing flowers over several weeks only increases oxidative degradation. Use the dehumidifier, dry fast and your done!

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Its not just the drying process you really want to cure your buds also to get the full benefits IMO. Hang yer buds up in a dark spot ( cupboard etc) that has air movement around yer babies. Leave to dry so if you bend a stem it snaps not just bends. The next stage, if get some clean glass jars, Tupperware even, and being carefull not to handle your smoke too much place in container and place lid on. Every day for the next few weeks to a month "burp" the jars (take lid off) for fifteen min to let some air exchange and then reseal. This will improve taste and effect. Though it is an effort I believe it's worth it.

Burp on stoners ;)

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get your self one of these - Caliber III hygrometer


google search a topic called - A perfect cure every time by a guy called simon :) and you will have the best cured buds you ever had and not be playing the guessing game with your buds that just took 3 - 4 months to grow ;)

Edited by shroomyshroom
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