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Scog tips and hints

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Hey merl1n, thanks mate pictures really are worth a thousand words, I'm on my second grow and I'm 5 days into 12/12 I had previously trimmed a lot from under the mesh the days leading to the change but its a nervous feeling snipping so much off, but I fully under stand why as with my last grow which was my first there was a lot of junk under there, so I studied up which I'm always doing but every one does it a little thing here and there different or something might be left out. You say to tip it at 3-4ft will this give better yield then over tipping when there small. I found when I tip them when small the branches growing from the main trunk before the tip don't get very big so I experimented with one this time, I tipped them all at around their 8-10 nodes but one 1( experiment) I cut all them other branches off then and only left 2 or 3 on it when I tipped it and this one was the smallest of them all now it's the biggest, it's powered on the 2 branches are massive, like big arms out each side, the other 3 plants don't have anything like it, strain is Wonder Woman. So I'm thinking maybe I tipped the other to earlie. But it's a wonderful learning curve that's for sure. It's amazing how cutting it down makes it bigger.
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I think I understand why you don't tip them so small coz then the branches can get long enough to reach the mesh after having a closer look at you picture. I got told by a friend to tip as soon as you can and tip everything, but couldn't get some answers hence why in here and looks like I've found the holy grail, you guys ate the best :)
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when supercropping a whole plants its wise to supercrop after the plant readjusts itself based on the dominance of supercropped branches (dominant branches that were supercropped back that have outgrown other supercropped branches at same node) this way you are left with an even round bush instead of a freaky looking plant with uneven colas everywhere .... you want a round plant .... one that will accommodate the light overhead well ..... its also wise to top very early, theres no issue with this, i rather top early than later in vege ..... the structure of the plant should be developed by the grower in an indoor environment ..... this will insure maximum potential of yield....


take it easy ... but ... still take it !!

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