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Scog tips and hints

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Ok now I have read a few pages on Scog.


Is is really worth it. Really interested in the concept of it. I am normal just a veg for 4 - 5 weeks. Top plant at 2 weeks veg. And LST for few weeks till shut down.


How much veg time do you need to fill a 1 x 1 square meter screen before flower. Few beans say 500g per square meter. But I get that with me normal veg time.


Does it increase yeild, and is it worth the extra time.

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I take it you mean ScrOG- "Screen of Green"...


Common consensus shows ppl believe that it is worth it. Smaller areas with low watt lighting definitaly benefit from using a screen.

EG: A 1x1 area with a 400W HID. The lamp really does very little for anything but the top foot or so of growth due to lack of penetration, yet can light up that whole area at a set distance very nicely. The screen allows you to use every square inch of the area, wall to wall, to grow buds.


Sure it`s just another form of LST but it has the ability to give better uniformity of growth etc. For those not so confident in the knuckling or bending of stems it takes a bit of the worry away also...Some growers aint like to knuckle stems in mid to late flower either, so setting across a screen at the right time gives them the peace of mind that they are using all the space they can without height issues during the last stages of flowering.


Another beneficial aside is when the screen is full, you can remove all the popcorn etc from below the screen, this growth costs more than it returns (could keep it for hash...). You and the plant can concentrate on the growth that is getting the light...


Veg time is dependant on strain and seed V cutting is another issue.

Generally most growers fill the screen to 50% then go to 12/12. Some strains like Pineapple Chunk seem to like to keep stretching so may need to be flipped well before the screen is 1/2 filled...

The problem with seed is that by the time you`ve filled the screen, you may have a male or two in there. Removal leaves a gap and thats wasted real estate ay...Cuttings are a better method in that regard.

Trial and error is the name of the game there, your preferred strains may take more or less time to fill the screen...


I wont talk of increases in yield as I have no side by side proof to offer but anecdotally, yes, I believe that yields are increased purely to the better use of the space provided.


Once setup, there really is no extra time involved over normal LST. You could actually say it is less time consuming...You know that after a cpl niteshifts, away from your babies, that your precious tips aint up and getting burnt by the lamp too.


I read somewhere that you have 3x3x3...mate I`d be growing trees with bulbs hanging between em heheh



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This is somewhat of a comparison. Its the same bag seed. The scrog was two plants, I don't remember the exact weight. But i believe the single plant was around 5 oz and the SCrog was very close to 14 oz. The uniformity of the buds and smaller size but larger quantity of buds is what i really noticed. Hope this helps.






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Chopper asking how long will it take is like asking how long is a piece of string. Wot lights are you using, wot nutes, wot is your system Drain to waste, recirc. Wot strain are you growing

Ive been a SCROG recirc system for years in a 3m x 3m x 3m room and I use a good 2.5x2.5 as grow area. In a room you don't want a xmas tree shape as unlike the sun your lights won't be moving. To obtain equal light to all parts of the heads a level grow area is best, it stops too many shadows or dark spots. SCROG helps to give you that level. IMHO is it worth it? Shit yes.


I do have a question tho, you say 500grams/m2 and thats wot you get normally anyway? if you take your surface area alone, of a SCROG grow, that would be close enough to 5pound. How many lights you running cos pulling 5pd from that space normally, then why change?



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Heya ChopperW =) , I see quite a few SCROGs that are done incorrectly, people just layin screens over the plant and not training it properly, resulting in a plant that just grows through the screen. so you get this mass of shit above the screen.


Heres some tips for scrog growers.


1) Veg ya plant up first for 3-4 weeks, tipping after it gets to 3-4 ft (multiple tippings will result in more bud sites) , then SCROG it , train for another week before flipping to 12/12


2) every shoot that comes up through the screen should, when it has enough length, be pulled back through, and repositioned , ALL the way through stretch.

Try and keep an even spread under the screen.


3) ALL material on the branches about 2 inches under the screen to the pot needs to be kept bare, no light will hit it, so get rid of it and give the colas the light.


4) Light trimming of leaves occasionally (very small amount each time in flower) around the screen area to promote airflow is a good idea.


5) SCROG can be a bastard to untangle at harvest, so detatch screen, cut off plants at base and take whole screen out, buds and all...much easier....


Hope that helps. =) I have run SCROG indoor in Hydro and outdoor in Soil, always look great and once set up, trained and trimmed out, they are easy to look after.


Peace. Nibs.

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Heya Bird =) , mate, as long as its not in full flower, its not going to hurt it, anything under the screen will get bugger all light anyway, so may as well, let the plan

t use that energy for above the screen where ya buds are.


Basically below the screen all ya want is bare main stem, until ya get to the branches that are feeding into the screen.

those Branches feeding into the screen also get a bit of a leaf trim, the more airflow ya have around the buds the better, less chance of mould etc.

Those leaves wont get much light and the energy can be better spent keeping other bits ya want alive.

Just be careful not to cut any of the branches ya wanna keep.... lol


If ya dont want to stress ya plants out too much, dont do it all at once....do some....wait a week, do some more, in between maybe snip a leaf here or there.

Have Fun, scrogs are cool.

Peace. Nibbler.

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Here is a before and after shot of a SCROG clean up before turning 12/12




My rule is if it doesn't get full light its gone, all leaf, all bud, the lot, gone. I want the goodness to go to the crowns on top not the pissy popcorn bud underneath



Edited by merl1n
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