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10 weeks into 12/12, white hairs wont go brown

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I have 5 plants that are about 10 weeks into 12/12 and still dont look ready


They are white widow and skunk#1, they have been just getting ph'd water for last 3 weeks

most have leaves yellow and fall off starting from bottom


I have misplaced my microscope and am waiting on a new one so i cant really see the trichomes, but all the white hairs havnt turned and the buds generally look a bit too green


Maybe because im growing in winter for the first time, the cold is slowing down the chemical reactions or whatever processes are happening?


i took some samples and its not very potent


should i just cut them down or leave them go?


im worried pests will move in now they are old and dying



basically the 5 plants are in a flood and drain setup in a tent, under a 400hps

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Looks as though you couldve been heavier on the phosphorous/potassium..... if they are yellowing very slowly its likely the plants required more P/K..... to finish off. depending on the pace they are yellowing you could add pk13/14 just 2 or 3 medium-strength feeds of it ..... only if the yellowing is occuring very slowly ... if the yellowing has sped up now then dont bother .... just live and learn ....


peace n pot,

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Hi Ya Pleb,

You say 3 wks pHed water. Is that 3 weeks of flush? Just straight water?

I have found with my setup that once I start the water flush the maturing process slows right down, almost to a stop. Now I wait until the brownings have occured before I start my final flush. And my final flush is for about a week max. Look at it this way, man can survive for a while on just water but without food we start to burn our own energy stores, our fat reserves. Once our fat reserves are gone our bodies start to consume our muscle tissue to survive. Plants are similair, once all the excess nutes are gone (flushed) they start to use up their own stores and then start losing condition as they runout of nute, hence the plant turning a more pale green.

Now you could go adding more nute to improve things but you won't see any change for a couple of weeks and then you would need to flush again. Personally I would be taking what I have and learning from it and next time around get the plant to the maturity you want then start your flush (without flooding your basement. Heehee).


Now all of this is IMHO, so now the choice is all yours.



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thanks merlin


yeah i think i pulled the neuts too early at week 7, and just flush for 3 weeks


so they slowly died from feeding off themself before maximum potential


well ill cut them tonight since all the leaves are pretty much yellow now, and its been so long in 12 12


the skunk#1 dont look too bad and have maybe half brown pistals, but the WW looks a underdeveloped in the bud

ill post pics of result

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