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Marihuana News?


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I know I'm going to get clobbered for this and I know it is a bit gay to pick on spelling errors but this one is right at the top of the forums. Mary Jane has a J and even the illiterate know this because they've seen it so many times on the cover of High Times which has great pictures.



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There are many spellings of marijuana, although you are right, the usually accepted form in English speaking countries is Marijuana. However, marihuana has been an accepted form in the past, and is currently in some places I believe.


I suppose it would have to do with how you were brought up with your families/educational institutions spelling. :P


I call it Cannabis anyway. :B):

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Its just the percieved professionalism of the site I was concerned about. Not everyone is familiar with variants on spelling. Hey, I usually spell it wrong myself. Its no biggie. I just think some conformity would be a good idea.


Oz Stoners | :: Marijuana & Hemp Issues :: | Marihuana News | Australian Marijuana News


You've spelt it Marijuana twice there. H and J are right next to each other so its a pretty easy mistake to make. Even if it is a variant most people aren't going to realise this. I've run a few boards with news websites and been approached by reporters for advice on topics. Having a professional looking board covering a controversial topic like this which is so high in search engines will surely draw some attention from the media. A lot of people think smoking pot makes people useless. Even though many of their work colleagues may be ripped out of their heads and using eye drops to cover it. Seeing mistakes here only enhances that belief. Even a spelling error steals from the professional quality of a board but its no biggie.


The word Marijuana originally came from Mexico. It was an extremely localised slang word for the plant which nobody in the US recognised back in the 1930's when the Marijuana Tax Act was introduced. The Feds told the newspapers to use this word so that irate parents reading fabricated stories about 'axe murdering youths under the influence of pot' wouldn't realise the 'killer drug' being discussed belonged to the same species of plant growing in fields opposite their homes.


At that time Hemp was the number one cash crop grown by farmers in the US. It was set for an explosion in production thanks to a new processing machine called the Decorticator. "Hemp for Victory" was the catchcry. The prohibition had nothing to do with abolishing a drug. It was about destroying the Hemp industry and the villains were the paper mill owners. This is all covered in Jack Herer's book "The Emperor Wears No Clothes". Hemp paper costs 10 times less to make than pulped timber paper. The mill owners would have gone belly up fast so they did what they must to survive. The newspapers played ball because they were major customers. How else could they keep their papers running without "paper"? The FBI was corrupt as all buggery. Remember J Edgar Hoover who had secret files on everyone from the President down and liked to cross dress? Its a very sad and maddening period of history and I don't doubt that similar such chicanery goes on to this day.

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the REASON WHY .... H & J are interchanged is because the Mexicans ... pronouce their J's as H .... Jose = Ho zay ..... Jorge = Hor Hay


simple ... it's very typical in many latin languages to do this ..

Portuguese .. is much worse .. they twist teh pronunciation in everything !...


OK .. so ... MARI J UANA .... = MARIHUANA ....


it is SPELLED WITH A J ... Pronopunced as a.... H


now that 's clear .... I think I'll go have a J....class dismissed


he he :D



Oh I got a education I did !...

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