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Bong smokers - help?

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Short version:


When you take a 'hit' from a bong, does this use all of the cannabis in the cone-piece or just some of it? How many hits do you have per cone?


Long version:


I've not had much experience with bongs. A friend once arranged for me to have a bong on their couch (and did everything, all I had to do was inhale). While I enjoyed it, it's only happened the one time :)


So, I need the help of folks who use bongs and clearly would know a bit more about this!


In our survey on synthetic cannabis, we asked the question:


"How much synthetic cannabis did you use?


You may answer by indicating the number of hits or puffs taken or weight of product consumed in grams. A typical packet sold at tobacconists weighs 1.25 or 3 grams.


Hits, please specify quantity: ____________

Grams, please specify quantity:__________"


What I want to do is convert the number of hits into grams using a standard formula. I know there is no one standard formula that is accurate but I wanted to get a guestimate of approximately how many 'hits' in a gram.


I have some data suggesting that 1 cone = 0.09 grams on average (from a study of Australian cannabis users).


But what I don't know is how many hits are there to one cone - or are they the same thing?


Thanks for the assistance and apologies for being dumb on this matter...!


PS. obviously the study is about synthetics, not real cannabis, and yes, it may be that people smoking synthetics are packing different cones or have different practices using synthetics compared with real cannabis.

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Oh and how much gets used/burnt per cone depends on how fast and hard you inhale. In my opinion 99% of people over pack thier cones then suck them down as fast as they can so they can finish the cone, but in the process have wasted at least a 1/4 the cone sucking it straight through before its had anytime to burn :faint:, pipe screens are good way to force all the contents of a cone to burn but block up fast. ;)
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Personally. I inhale slowly at first to get the cannabis lit properly. Then gradually inhale harder without use of the lighter. It doesn't usually matter how large the cone is for me as long as i get it lit properly at first. I agree with Oz on the fact that alot of people inhale too hard, too fast and suck alot of unburnt material through the bong. I probably used to do this myself when i was younger. Alot of younger smokers have a culture of putting people down if you can't pull a full cone. Its most probably the cause.




Speaking of cones........

Edited by iatd
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I suppose you need to define what you mean by 'hit'.


I see there being two possible definitions;

  1. Hit = the action of inhaling smoke through the bong (eg. 'that cone took two hits to smoke).
  2. Hit = the amount of cannabis you consider one 'dose'.


I prefer the first definition and I smoke the full cone in one 'Hit'.


I weighed the amount of cannabis I pack in the cone (no tobacco) and it was 0.15 grams. If asking the question in a survey it would be important to differentiate between those that are using tobacco (or other herbs) in addition to the cannabis.


As mentioned above, if you look at the debris in the bong water there is definitely unburnt material in there.


No apologies necessary for the question, the dumb thing to do would be not ask lol


Naycha :peace:

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depends on how good your lungs are i suppose .. mine have seen better dayz and are due for a good re-conditioning so i only have baby cones ... but i have a lot of them

i hate having to re-light a half-burnt cone 'cause i reckon its contents are buggered from the heat of the previous lighting


course im talking about Cannabis here not synthetics



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Very interesting, thanks everyone for your input.


Naycha's two definitions are the source of difference here - but it sounds like people tend to put the amount they want to use from the bong in one go into the cone piece - and that is their 'hit'. But there may be others who pack the cone, then take two hits from it?


The tobacco element is important too. In the study I looked at, they also got people to measure out the tobacco they used and weighed that as well. Almost all of the sampled mixed tobacco and cannabis in that group.


And then there is use of a vaporiser which would be different again - but hardly anyone in the data sample I have used a vape.


If you feel like experimenting, would be awesome if you could post the weight of cannabis in your cones or the number of cones you get in 1 gram. While it might not be scientific enough to be published in the Lancet, if 10-20 people do it, we will get a sense of the variability.


Oz, can I attach a poll to ask this one question or best make a new thread to do so?

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