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Zippo Lighters

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Call me brain-dead if you will, but I love cones lit by Zippos! Shit, for crying out loud, we are smoking weed (spun or not) for Christ's sake, why be so health-conscious??? :-S

I mean taste-wise, ok, it sucks when your lungs are rat-shit but I get that from butane lighters as well so I don't see a difference in my opinion. ;-) But..... I will admit that Zippos are an acquired taste for sure whether it be using Zippos for cigarettes, cigars or cones. All the same in my opinion.


Just my 5c worth. :-P



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;) .. zippos are one of te greates inventions (no good for smokin bongs) its always burnt my fingers ... hahaaa and the taste is horrible.


Well i got a story to tell you all ... one weekend me and a couple mates went to chadstone shoppin centre (in melbounre) and my friend loved zippos but didnt really see any point in spending $45 - $200 for a lighter. He asked me if I wanted to go and look at the zippo store and i agreed, we were having a look at the display stands infront of the zippo store and i tried to turn the damn thing and it hit onto another display stand and the door swung OPEN, i look at my friend and he was staring at the display case ... hahaa


well i know its wrong to steal but it was christmas so i got all my friends a zippo each.


would you resist the temptation ???

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