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Zippo Lighters

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I haven't done much researhc yet on this, but I want to know if anyone knows whether or not using a Zippo to arc up your gear is not recommended.


Someone once mentioned to me that I shouldn't use any lighter that uses naptha as its fuel (such as Zippos, of which I have one), as they said that using it constantly to keep your smoke burning isn't terribly good for you...I gotta say, the aromatic vapours from those are a little bit suss, perhaps carcinogenic? (BTW, since then, I've used butane lighters, both the standard and the jet-flame types.)


Any responses to this would be much appreciated B)



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I like to smoke a good cigar from time to time and someone once told me the same thing, only it was for the fact that the zippo flame taints the taste of the cigar. First of all I reckon thats bullshit. Second of all I got a silver & brass zippo with my initials engraved on it and the thing has great sentimental value for me and I'll be stuffed if I'm gonna use anything else to light my cigars.


So to answer your question I don't know whether or not there is any health considerations, but I reckon the more important question is how emotionally attached are you to your zippo?

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and the thing has great sentimental value for me


Hi Pipey, how yer? Yeah, my Zippo has sentimental value too, as it used to belong to my late Dad. They also just "feel" good to use, like any sort of object d'art that has some degree of either prestige or history behind it, even they aren't necessarily the "best" things; y'know, things that have form over function that appeal to our subjective nature.

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When "Idle Hands" first came out, I couldn't get enough of it B). It would still be one of my all time favourite stoner movies. Anyhow they use zippo's all through the movie...particularly at the start where Devon Sawyer uses one to light his pipe. From then on I REALLY wanted one...so I got one, and nearly choked when I used it to light up....They weren't REAL stoners hehehe



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