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Cancer Council of NSW does support compassionate provision of medical

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Cancer Council of NSW does support compassionate provision of medical marijuana in NSW.




All this despite the oppressive anti-cannabis legislation maintained by the present (but hopefully not-much-longer-for-this-world) Gillard government flying in the face of real-world logic, international recommendations and the results of studies, paid for, undertaken and endorsed by NSW ex-premier Bob Carr. Bob Carr's 1999 Drug Summit wisely recommended a trial of medical cannabis that has still not been implemented, let alone addressed or acknowledged by the current Gillard government. Howard ignored it. Gillard has also ignored it.

This sickens me to the very core as there are so many people in our country that can and should benefit from cannabis that are forced to enter the underground market for it and receive product of questionalble quality and forced to pay ridiculous prices. Makes one feel so helpless.


Have you ever heard of anyone receiving any sort of ongoing benefit (medical or otherwise) from the ingestion of taxable alcohol (other than perhaps an opportunistic shag in the shitters every Friday night)?

No. Neither have I. Yet it continues to maintain a destructive (yet highly taxable) influence on our society. Inflicting no known benefits yet is an ongoing and government-sanctioned drain on our health system.

Not to mention the detrimental effects alcohol has on our community.


Australian government wake up! If it is tax dollars you need before you pull your pants down and stretch your sphincter in the name of cannabis for the betterment of your country then DO IT! Isn't that what great leaders are supposed to do?

Consumers of cannabis would gladly cough up if it meant they had access to a quality product that assists and improves their lives.


Unfortunately I have no doubt that the influence and power of pharmaceutical and alcohol lobbying actions shall maintain Australian government opposition towards cannabis and therefore ensure the continued destruction of Australian communities in the name of votes and tax dollars.


Sure, smoking cannabis has inherent harm attached to it much as would smoking a page from the bible or free-basing nurofen might also cause harm. The underlying benefits of cannabis cannot be suppressed or denied forever, no matter how much opposing interests try. I paint anti-cannabis lobbyists funded by big business organisation with the same brush that I would paint nazis in World War II. Shame, shame, shame on you!

Edited by Oz
Topic split from https://cannabis.community.forums.ozstoners.com/topic/55196-cannabis-growers-questionnaire/
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