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bannana peels ?


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wantdachronic Posted: Jun 7 2004, 02:56 PM 

one guy carried on for about 5 mins about how good tasting it was and another said he even knew a few of the growers and they grew in the banana fields which gave the buds a different colour and taste like bananas...


have heard sum shit in my time but i think that almost tops the cake


Heh heh, the things the ignorant will say. lol

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:o hey ya about the banna peels , do you know that they contain potasium, phosphouros ,and Iron , also they contain a special growth compound called sallisic acid , this is a growth compound that helps with flowering and fruiting controls ,has proved very succesful for competition rose growers also bananas give of large amount of etheylene once they start decaying , this can encourage flower development look how big a bunch of bannanas is and their weight and you can tell they are very gross feeders . although they are better placed into compost with other types of organic waste and composted down , but im wondering would we get more bent???? :lol: cheers
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hey you might have a point there, Bananas are just fruit anyway are they not? and heavy for fruit.


They would be worth trying outdoors somewhere.

I Couldnt find info on sallisic acid tho??



A special piece of advice given by a knowledgeable ‘rose sage’ found me adding a banana peel into the soil mix just below the roots. Apparently as it decays nutrient rich elements are released for the use of the rose. On the surface around the base of the rose generous amounts of mushroom manure or steer manure were applied with a ¼ cup sprinkling of epsom salts (magnesium being a trace element necessary for healthy foliage).


Want a use other than the compost pile for that banana peel? Don't throw away - bury the peel 10-12" deep near a favored plant (particularly rose bushes).  Bananas are great food for plants, too!  (A friend of KCMGA)


Weather its any use in a MJ plant is unsure at this end anyways. lol

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