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safety with mixing meds with weed?

Guest weekprik


Guest weekprik


I was just thinking where could I find out if MJ is interferring with my other pain meds?

MJ helps ALOT with my pain, but I also have to take other meds, one of these other meds is also used as an anti-depressant, and someone told me NOT to mix MJ with Anti-depressants.


the drug I have in mind is doxepin. I have to take 100 gms a day.

I also consume like a packet of nurofen every few days. :D

I have been getting alot of mood swings lately and doing and saying things really out of character. as you guys have seen ;).



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It's called glaucoma, and you wouldn't want to have it, even if it means you can have pot with slightly less hassle...


What you'd want to is to support any efforts to legalise MJ and give your support to the parliamentarians who'd support legalisation. That'll mean we could all have the chance to somke it in peace and not make crims outta "nice middle-class people" who just happen to toke a bit of the ol' green rather than drink a drop of the ol' red....

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The only true interactions i have seen are in regards to Prozac and even that seemed to be a stretch of the imagination.


But, if you are taking any meds that are metabolized by the liver or affect it in any way, you should avoid eating MJ. When eaten, MJ is processed by the liver and can cause uptake problems with the other meds.





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