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safety with mixing meds with weed?

Guest weekprik


Guest weekprik


I was just thinking where could I find out if MJ is interferring with my other pain meds?

MJ helps ALOT with my pain, but I also have to take other meds, one of these other meds is also used as an anti-depressant, and someone told me NOT to mix MJ with Anti-depressants.


the drug I have in mind is doxepin. I have to take 100 gms a day.

I also consume like a packet of nurofen every few days. :D

I have been getting alot of mood swings lately and doing and saying things really out of character. as you guys have seen ;).



Edited by weekprik
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Its not a risk. Doctor's will not and do not nark on drug users, unless they are faking symptoms to trick Doctor's in prescribing them narcotics, in which case you will be placed on a national register. But for illegal drugs, no. You may think you're special, but Doctors deal with drug takers all day every day. And they cannot do their job properly if you are not totally honest with them.


but, if you want a lay person's opinion, I would say no, do not mix MJ with anti-depressants. Particularly in your case, as you regularly show symptoms of extreme psychosis, mainly in the form of depression and anger.

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Guest Wilderbud

Depends on the drug prescribed to you. :D


Marijuana and alcohol doesnt mix and barbitruates and anything else is usually a bad thing - ask your doctor [and hope theyre not anti-social].

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I've always told my DR that I use pot if he had a bad attitued about it I'd get another one who was understanding. DR's cant dob you in its the hypocratic oath or something like that, same as with a preist, anyway Im on lexapro, maxalon and panadol forte, the DR knows fully, I found its best to be up front with the DR its the only way he can treat you properly
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