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Children as young as 10 caught with drugs


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CHILDREN as young as 10 are being caught by police with amphetamines and other designer drugs in South Australia.


Hospitals and clinics are also reporting an increase in the number of young people treated for overdoses or addiction.


As the use of amphetamines continues to grow at an alarming rate in SA, police figures reveal 67 youths aged between 10 and 17 have been caught with illicit drugs – including amphetamines, ecstasy, methylamphetamines, also known as Ice, and heroin – since September, 2001.


The youths were placed in the police drug diversion scheme and referred to health services for assessment and treatment.


Another 1910 youths have been caught with cannabis and either cautioned or referred for treatment after being placed in the diversion scheme. The scheme involves police referring users caught with small quantities of a drug to health services, rather than charging them. Only repeat offenders or those who fail to meet the requirements of the program are brought before a court.


Since the diversion initiative started in September, 2001, 2775 people have been diverted for 3157 offences.


Senior police said yesterday it was a "significant concern" children were being apprehended with amphetamines. "We are always concerned with any indications of an increase in any drug use, including alcohol abuse for youths," Assistant Commissioner (Crime) Madeleine Glynn said. "Their use is illegal but there are also other implications such as for the user's social life, their ability to fulfil their potential, their self-harm and for the community."


Drug and Alcohol Services Council director Dr Robert Ali said yesterday the number of amphetamine users seeking help at drug rehabilitation clinics had almost doubled in just a year. In the 2000-01 financial year, 598 people sought treatment, while last financial year 1119 people sought help.


"There are more people using and more people getting into trouble and we are also seeing it through emergency department presentations," Dr Ali said.



Of the 2775 people placed in the diversion program, 62.6 per cent were aged between 10 and 17 years.


The possession of cannabis or related equipment constituted 60.5 per cent of all diversions.


Of the 1977 people aged between 10 and 17 caught with drugs, 1464 received police cautions, were given educational materials and their parents were notified of their first cannabis possession offence.


Another 446 were required to attend health services for second or third cannabis possession offences and 67 were required to attend for first or second offences involving other illicit drugs.


There were 1180 adults diverted for possession of drugs such as amphetamines and heroin.


By By NIGEL HUNT, The Advertiser

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Guest BudWaver

Im wondering if there was one ten year old and 2000 odd 17 year olds...


If it comes from a media source it will only ever be 50% true at best....


But it is extremely sad for a ten year old to be in posession or smoking mj...thats fucked up..

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I'v seen alot of kids (as young as 8) smoking ciggarette's infront of shopping centres. I myself didnt try ciggarette's and marijuana till i was 12 or 13 years old. I think the kids dont have anything better to do with their time or its just peer pressure. Its a discrace to hear drug dealers selling to young people.
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Guest ruth j

i am dumb when it comes to drugs, i have a son has used drugs, he just called from the city jail and said he was going down fast, he has shot up so much herrion. he is a man of 43 years old. what is herrion . i just dont understand why it is so addictive, help me to try to understand these things. i am dumb and helpless about these drugs.


rutrh j

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