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speeds up metabolism?



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laziness = low energy consumption = minimum fuel requirements = muscular weight loss


Combined with increased metabolism that means your fat energy burn rate exceeds your intake.


That'd be my guess. lol

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Yeah, a lot of smokers are really unhealthy. I'll be dusting off my old Ned Kelly bong real soon and making a trip down south to score some heads. I'm going to see if I can lose a couple of kilos from my midsection using the Choof diet described in this thread. See if it really works. I reckon an early morning run combined with my home Gym workout and a few cones should give me abs of steel in no time.




I love getting stoned when I'm in good shape but for years I've had trouble with my gut area. Getting older I guess. Maybe this is the answer. I knew a bodybuilder in Sydney who acted like he was on speed whenever he smoked. He would just keep walking around saying "fuck I love getting stoned." Then he'd go out to an 'all you can eat' place with his mates and clean the joint out before partaking in some car tipping. Thats where a bunch of them roll a car over and run like hell. Jeez they were dickheads, but never boring.

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