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speeds up metabolism?



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I know the heart rate increases a tad. I always feel like I can't stop. I have to do something. If its something requiring energy no problem. Weight training is good. Even watching a movie sprawled out like a vegetable. I'm still doing something.


Its not a physical thing but mental. You have to keep your mind occupied. One time a flatmate asked to try some. He was from overseas and never had a cone before. I showed him how to use a bong and went to work on the car. Leaving a bowl of weed sitting on the table and telling him to help himself. I came back 15 minutes later and all the weed was gone.


I couldn't believe it. It was my own gear homegrown and good shit. I wasn't bothered as I had heaps but I knew what was coming. He must have had 20 cones. I said "where is the pot" he goes "sorry, I was really interested in how the bong worked and practised a few times. I dont think this stuff affects me. its really weak. " I just stared at him.


The first time I ever built up the courage to try a cone the bastards I was with fed me 6 and I didn't know what the fuck was happening to me. They thought it was hilarious. So I knew this guy would be freaking out soon. So I put a video on to give him something to focus on.


Later he came up to me and said "Help me. I think I'm going crazy."


I gave him a packet of chicken flavoured rice crackers and he ate the lot. Then I took him to the botanical gardens with a bunch of other mates and he felt better. Bought a loaf of bread and some fruit along the way to feed the ducks and possums there. It wore off after a few hours. Poor sod. B)


I think a lot of people lose weight because they lose their appetite. Like cigarettes theres some kind of suppressant or your mind is racing too much. Many people just watch TV or a video. Some don't eat very well. You will waste away if you dont eat healthy stuff. I love exercise and find I'm more focused on anything I do when stoned so I have no trouble keeping my weight or increasing it.

Edited by Chong
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When i first started smokin i got the muncheis like everyone, but now i been smokin almost daily for the last 5years i never get the muncheis, infact im hardly ever hungry at all, and i never get hungry at regular times like say meal times and usually i cant manage to eat more than 1 meal a day. The only time i ever get the muncheis is if i have a break for more than a week or two and then get really stoned, then i get the munchies really bad lol


I dunno if this has anythign to do with the pot or not but there was research done in rats where the cannibanoid receptors in baby rats were blocked and the rats just stopped eating completely, it new born rats, older rats werent effected at all. i think i read somewhere that there are also natural cannabinoids like anandamine found in breast milk.


I think maybe the natural chemicals in your brain that thc etc mimics, or fit into the receptors of, play some basic role in the most primative part of your brain that tells you food is good, and when you feel hungry etc.... or maybe not maybe i jsut smoked way too much indica today.

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I've never been a chronic smoker. You do get used to pot after awhile and need more cones to reach the same high but I never used to smoke more than a couple at a time. Even when I lived in Paramatta with a house full of potheads who did nothing else. Too much pot and people seem to lose all ambition. Ambition? Hell, even getting up to go to the bathroom is something you can put off a couple more hours so why bother. You wake up one day living in a caravan next to a river or something. Appetite is definately suppressed but you are also too lazy to cook. Even making a cup of coffee takes half an hour when people are deeply stoned. I always liked to get stoned enough that life took on a whole new perspective. Just enough that I would find whatever I'm doing more interesting and not enough that I would completely zonk out or go to sleep. Which is strange, as on those rare occasions when I drink I tend to binge.
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