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When is the best time to start seedlings?

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Pantera666 that is a nice plant, had a beauty myself that size and a week ago he showed me his balls......bastard, so as punishment I cut him down....haha anyway I have two three footers started mid jan and another sprouting as we speak, it is always my last minute plan when a boy shows up, anyway waffling here as I am very stoned, nice plants mate keep us posts as they finish flowering
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By the way that Seedbank you have the link to, they get seeds to you in oz ok? Looking for this years grow to use a bank instead of mates etc and bagseed. Thanks mate



No, they didnt get to him. That plant spontaneously sprouted out of nothing



Immaculate conception, the geebus of plants...



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Always a smartsarse out there isn't there, if you read the question it is general, eg any troubles how many times have they not arrived etc, and for all you know dickhead he may just have referenced that site to show us the strain....he may have a friend who gave them to him etc etc wow the wonders of what if huh? .. Pull your head in you simple prick, always someone with nothing better to do than place there insecurities out there onto everyone else because it makes them feel more secure.........or may be just maybe enigma your one of the minority out there who weed just does not agree with.....psychosis has set in and reality has eluded your simple mind
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Hey pass, don't worry about AJ he has metal problems... Anyway yeah that site I gave you that's where I bought the seeds from, I've had 2 packets come through now no worries, they cost me $90 for the White Rhino & about $67 for the ASH which I'm growing atm. I got them cheaper on the auctions section on the website (bargin really). Must say I am really Impressed with how these seeds went, they were a lot harder to germinate than last years grow but once i got them up and running there was no stopping the tree from growing, had to the tie the fucker down twice and still wants grow upwards lol, cheers!

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