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When is the best time to start seedlings?

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OK pants, I can see you are a meticulous gardener. Plants mulched and weeded.


I also see a shitload of wood chips and hope you have given you dirt a big serve of dolomite (lime) to counteract the acidic nature of the decomposing wood.


They are lovely looking plants, sturdy and green. I'm guessing that they are newly transplanted?


As an outdoor grower, I prefer not to mulch my plants when they are young. The mulch can stuff up your soil balance very easily. Instead, I prefer to plant very close together (30cms), turn over the soil by trowel if it gets too weedy while the plants are young. Once they have grown to 30cm or so in height, the fan leaves tend to keep down any weeds growing between plants.


The two main benefits of mulch are: a)keep weeds down b)hold in water. IMO if you tend your patch and water every day, woodchip mulch does more harm than good.




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