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NAP announce return of Darwin Community Smoke-Ins

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PRESS RELEASE 16/2/2004…


The Network Against Prohibition (NAP) announced today the group will continue it’s campaign of civil disobedience in 2004 to further highlight the unworkability of current Northern Territory drug legislation. Since forming in 2002 as a response to the Labor government’s amendments to the Misuse of Drugs Act, NAP has instigated an ongoing campaign of direct action and public rallying demanding recognition of drug user rights.


NAP spokesperson Nicolette Burrows said “2004 will see the Network Against Prohibition continue our campaign against Labor’s ‘drug house’ laws using a variety of strategies, including civil disobedience. NAP urges the community to join us on March 13 for the 16th Smoke-in for Human Rights, a rally in demand of reality based drug policy and a celebration of 2 years of NAP’s relentless campaign for a prohibition-free future.”


NAP’s Smoke-in for Human Rights have attracted international interest and have become a unique Darwin experience. Previously held monthly over the Top End’s dry season, Nicolette says this years events will be bi-monthly. “NAP volunteers are putting a lot of energy into the organization and promotion of next month’s Smoke-in. We are looking forward to kicking off this year’s continuing campaign on a high note.”


With the event featuring speakers focusing on hot local topics, entertainment by local musicians, a free BBQ lunch and birthday cake, plenty of party games for people of all ages and the promise of the infamous “giant joint”, NAP’s 2004 return to Raintree Park will be an unforgettable way to spend your Saturday afternoon.


For more info see http://www.napnt.org or call Nicolette on 0418985701 or Gary on 0415162525.

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