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sad looking baby plants

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So my plants arnt looking the beat two are almost fallen over complelty as the leaf curl is so bad. On another couple they are dry with.a bit of limpness. and 3 are looking pretty good.


My setup is 600w mh in a cooltube running at 450watts, its about 25* degress in there, in potting mix soil.


Now at first i thought it was coz I may have over watered, so i put the plants in larger pots in dry soil to help dry them out a bit. Then got stung by pests and got rid of all them by heavily watering the plants to kill of any eggs.and bug apraying the drobe.


Now I've raised the light by 3" but they haven't changed.


Do I need a fan in there to move the air around? Is that what may have caused this?

I have one but it bent the stems as it was too powerful, just waiting on a new small one in the post.

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I am a newbie to this but to my understanding air circulation and air exchange are pretty important in a inclosed environment like cupboard or tent .

With seedling i would have the fan set blowing between plants and cooltube ( closer to cooltube then seedling) . The air movement within the cupboard would be enough for seedling.


I gotta say i investigated into soil for indoors and general consensus is it not a good idea . I checked out alot of diary's before i started and never saw much success for beginners with soil indoors

Check out ernies 1st grow ,this diary should be a inspiration for anyone new growing . https://cannabis.community.forums.ozstoners.com/topic/32070-ernies-1st-grow/



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