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What was your last power bill?

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G'day all, Just curious on what some peoples power bills could roughly be? When i was growing my last bill was finalised in November 2011 and was $1800 for the quarter . Now i had x2 400w hps, an aircon which was always running while lights were on 3-4 fans, and a 150w cfl for the clones, couple of small air pumps e.t.c (plus all the normal household goodies running Flatscreen tv,pc,)....Now this was an ESTIMATED bill, No reading was taken besides when i moved out early february, I thought it was abit high but didn't dispute it as i was currently going through legal proceedings,


Now court is all over i'm really tempted just to grow some herbs/tomatos and start acquiring some new gear again and maybe start growing again once probation is over( it's a struggle buying it again :( ) but i'm really really paranoid of what My bill could jump to, If my bill could be that high again or even close to it I'd have to give it a miss, I have even thought about doing a few dwc buckets of chillies out in the backyard... Now i have moved to a new house since and received my last bill which was 380$ (no growing at all)


Unsure if my 1800 bill was purely because of my grow or maybe the number of people that were living with me at the time ( all the hot water usage e.t.c) if you don't feel comfortable stating your bill that's fine, I'm just curious that's all I'm in QLD to


Thanks all :)

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If ya last bill was an estimated bill i can bet ya you where over charged.


IMO most power bills that are a esrimate are 20% more than it they had read the meter.


I am Qld and my aveage 1/4 bill is $300 that running a 400w with all the fans and stuff needed to have a grow as well as pc and normal house hold elec stuff running...

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Now weve sold our coal mines to the Chinese so expect mega increases in WA.

I've had an equivulant set up including 3.5 Kva air con and every thing else that wiz and bangs! Costing $650 to $900 a quarter.

Often adjusting use to suit our extreme climate in the wheatbelt! So consumption in constant flux. Monitor equipment for heat damage rust ect.

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Yes from July power going up 20%.


So will herb if you pay for it, if you grow it just for personal factor that 20% in. So you not spending more money then it's worth.


If you bill was 1800$ with only two light, it would have been the Aircon that killed it. There is other ways of cooling over aircon.


First rule I go on grow enought to cover the power bill, grow enought to last me till next time. Then all is sweet. Free meds

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