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Pets and Medical Cannabis

buzz lighthead


Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has ever administered medical cannabis to their pets?

I have a cat with FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. Cat AIDS essentially) and I'm contemplating the posible benefits of medical cannabis as I know it is helpful for human AIDS patients with various wasting sydromes.

I'm interested in anyone elses experience with this sort of thing. Did it improve your pets quality of life or well being? Were there any nasty side effects? What method of administration did you use? What was your Vet's attitude?

Of course I'll broach the topic with my vet next chance I get but I was also hoping to get some insight from anyone whos been in this kind of position before.

Thanks, Buzz :hi:

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Sorry to hear about your cat. :(


It would be interesting to see what could happen. I don't think it'd hurt to try. My cat ate part of a hash cookie once and he just went and slept. Other than that he would sit next to me or on my lap while I was smoking and soak up whatever he could when I exhaled. After that he'd be purring for hours and really relaxed. It seemed to work a lot better than the pills he'd been prescribed, that's for sure. Never talked to the vet about it as, well, the vet couldn't find anything wrong with him. He'd just throw up a lot normally but when there was weed around he'd be okay.

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Sounds like it's worth a try in my opinion if you can afford it. I suppose they're pretty damn small compared to us so he shouldn't need much :P.

I bet your vet will go nuts or just scoff at you unless he's a user also.

I would strongly recomend studying up on feline body language online so you can watch for warning signs that he isn't enjoying the side effects. It could be as subtle as a tail tip flick and slightly agitated whiskers.

But I say try anything and let us know, I find this topic very interesting.

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Hey all

My 2C again. I think the important thing to remember with small animals is that they need so very little otherwise they can freak out as the effect is instantaneous . Also, they're just like humans. Some like it, some don't. I had a cat in my teens who used to magically appear whenever the billy did, however the cat I mentioned above, he's not keen. He just ignores it or looks annoyed and walks away when I have shared. But I get the hint, so I don't share with him at all.

But sometimes when I'm having a smoke I think he's judging me... :ermm:

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