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When rebels grow up

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How do once-wild teens cope with wild ones of their own? Debra Jopson reports.


In his youth, that rock bad boy Ozzy Osbourne might have bitten the heads off bats and doves. And maybe he looks like the worst of baby boomers who has turned into a dysfunctional Dad stumbling about at home, swearing enthusiastically as he, his wife Sharon and their teenagers Kelly and Jack indulge in shouting matches on that fly-on-the-wall TV show The Osbournes.


The news is that some think he is getting a lot right in his child-rearing practice. Ozzy might have his faults as a father. But two psychologists, whom the American ABC TV presenter John Stossel asked to evaluate the Osbourne family for Stossel's 20/20 program, last month gave Ozzy and Sharon big ticks as good parents - although in a couple of areas they scored "could do better".


"He really does a good job with his kids ... In his own subtle way, he's shaping his children," said Kristene Doyle, the head of a New York clinic for children and families.


For example, when Jack stayed out until 4am, Ozzy directed him to say sorry to his worried nanny for not getting in touch. Doyle was impressed when he said: "It's a man that can apologise. It's the wimps who can't."


Ozzy knows a lot about sex and drugs and rock'n'roll and Doyle praised his openness with his children, saying: "Better to get it from parents, from families, than from other kids [who] may be misinformed."


Are the baby boomer parents from the generation who as teenagers were urged to "tune in, turn on and drop out" finding it difficult to direct good behaviour in their own adolescents, knowing just how bad you can be?


That is not the essential cause of conflict between today's adolescents and their parents, says the Sydney adolescent psychologist Dr Ros Montague. It is more about this: adolescents need to test the boundaries and explore the world as they grow into independent adults. The priority of adults who care for them is to keep them safe.


"The kids are not doing it to us to make us feel bad, but that is how it sometimes feels to the parent," says Montague, who works with the NSW Institute of Psychiatry on programs to help parents. "Adolescents have the capacity to make people feel de-skilled."


Today's parents have to cope with a feeling that risk has grown since their own parents struggled to keep them safe as adolescents. She is alarmed at the multitude of drugs available to children as young as year 7 and 8 students.


The age of sexual experimentation appears to have gone down, many perceive that the crime rate has gone up and even riding a bike seems scarier in mad metropolitan traffic than 30-40 years ago.


Montague points out that there were risks when the current crop of adolescents' parents were teenagers, but they "didn't perceive them as risks at that stage".


Lyndall Lazare, a Hornsby Heights mother aged 56 who confesses to being "sort of" a wild child worries about the drugs around these days, even though she was "still out there pulling on a joint" until she had her daughter in her late 30s.


"I might be wrong, but chemicals to me can be so much more damaging than the marijuana plant growing with the paspalum in the backyard."


"I don't think I bought any drugs. Someone always had it or grew it in their backyard. There were never any chemicals. There was always a bit to smoke. Hardly a week goes by when the Channel 9 news are not showing purple and green pills around when they have caught someone."


She remembers the adolescent sense of invincibility all too well. She used to go to the Newport Arms Hotel "and consume as much as I could and still stay standing up," then drive home to Turramurra in her "little Mini".


"I suppose I could have killed myself. It didn't seem dangerous to me, but I was young and I didn't feel the danger."


But Lazare thinks such risk-taking has helped equip her to parent Meghan, now 22, and Michael, 17, who belong to a worldly, confident generation which will not brook heavy discipline.


"I feel I know a lot more than my mother. The most dangerous thing she did was to go to church on Sunday," says Lazare. "I was scared of my parents. I knew their limits, whereas I don't think I have been able to set those limits with my own children. I think it is just two different eras."


Michael is "no trouble at all" even though he belongs to a generation which "realised they don't have to do what their parents tell them".


"He says: 'Mum, I know what I'm doing.' I wouldn't have contradicted my parents. I think they [Michael's generation] have more chutzpah than I did."


And what about that adolescent cry - that their parents are hypocrites?


"Don't do as I do, do as I say - it's a pretty perennial issue, because if you are idealistic as teenagers are it's all or nothing," says Montague. "Getting on in life is all about compromise, so what is defended by the adult as compromise is seen by the adolescent as hypocrisy."


So where has Ozzy gone wrong? The New York therapist Sheenah Hankin told ABC TV that his discipline was not strong enough:


"Cross words to teenagers are hot air."



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