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Munchies on a diet..

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just chew some PK and drink plenty of water, that's the fat-free way to cure the munchies.


but kellogs crunchy nut is the way to go if you're genetically skinny like me ;)


i always end up stealing all my housemates food anyway, then buying it back for them the next day, then i steal it again at night, buy it back, steal it, etc. as each week goes by. The cycle must go on! :D

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:) how the hell can you diet whilst on weed? Food is just so good, anything whilst on weed is good. The more sugar it has, the more colourful it is the better :D. I have extreme respect for those of you that can diet ion the munchies ;) Personally half of the fun with munchies is being totally baked and trying to make something eg...a simple sandwhich. First you get everything out, then you realise you have forgotten something and whilst searching for that forgotten flavour you find a couple of other things that might taste good. In the end you have this mixture of crazy things that come together to make the most delicous meal you ahve ever had ;). I tend to get excited whilst doing silly little things like preparing food when I'm wasted. I have this huge grin and yeah....Life just couldn't possibly get any better at that time ;)



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yep, it's pretty much exactly how you described it for me too maynard ::D:

i often have to restrain myself from putting buds in my food if i'm making anything hot, like a microwaved cheese sandwich for example


usually i just eat anything i can get my hands on, like chips, tim-tams, etc.


the absolute best food ever (well, it's pretty good) is kellogs crunchy nut with vanilla ski divine yogurt instead of milk.

i had three bowls of it the other night!!

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i know all about trying to cut weight and stilll being hungry, i wrestle for my highschool, there were some nights i could'nt eat, and i was so stoned that i wanted to but i had to make 160 pounds the next day for a meet..............it was so fing hard to do, i'm gald wrestling season is over for this year
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get yourself a quality low carb protein powder from a health store. most of the powders are micronised, and come from whey , so they will mix easily in water, or use a low fat milk.

they fill you up too, and used to satisfy my sweet cravings ( use the choc flav)

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