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hi everyone


anyone got advice on pk 13/14 in coco?


canna are still recommending 3 weeks from harvest for 1 week only


lots of people seem to recommend an early run , around week 3 and then a 2nd in week 6


when I have previously run recirculating systems ive done best with a week 3 and week 6 regime , but coco might be slightly different


whats your experience ?

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i start using it a few days after the flowers develop a bunch of pistols and stop when the nugs are finished linking together... by week 6 im done using it.


the plant only needs the pk for around 7-10 days, but to make sure i give it on the exact 7-10 days it is needed, i start early and end late... and canna assured me it wouldnt have any ill side effects...


i still pump it up to 6ml per gallon during the 7 days that i suspect to be the pk sweet spot.


it depends on how long your flower time is also... if you had a 12 week flower time, than you wouldnt want to use it until like week 8 or something like that.

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