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UTAS paid research on cannabis and attention

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Ummmm Maaaarrrr.....you don't have the lil "Cannabis Researcher" badge maddy......... Monkeys are cheaper than Humans for research, they work for bananas.

peace. Nibbler.


Maybe if you push the right button a joint pops out of somewhere. Pavlov's dog!

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Maybe if you push the right button a joint pops out of somewhere. Pavlov's dog!


Ya have to get them salivating first brick.


But luckily with the 24 hours without weed and it's many different addictive properties I've been hearin about lately, it'd only take a pic of a frosty bud to get that reaction going lol


I wonder if they'll get any of the pics from the current CannaPorn entries?


Vote while you're there folks! :bongon: lol

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Hi Maddy,


I suggest Initially you contact site admin before trying to acquire participants for your research. As you would be aware there are a variety of study's into cannabis taking place currently. Unfortunatly the majority of research regarding cannabis historically, has been biased, therefore, many people are sceptical in taking part in any research. By contacting admin you may find that people take you more seriously.






Thanks Puka

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I posted about this a couple of weeks ago


Are the tests still only being conducted in Hobart? and will you reimburse petrol costs to get there?


Didn't know about the straight for 24 hrs thing though................that's fair ask for forty bucks


Thanks very much. Still only in Hobart yes. The 40 bucks is given to thank you for your time, as well as reimburing petrol and any parking costs you may have by coming into the uni...


Yeh.. there are a few posts going up about abstaining for 24 hours.. the rationale behind this is that although you dont feel stoned 24hrs after having weed, research suggests the effects of it are it are still prominent and influencing your behaviour. So we're asking people to abstain just to be sure we are not looking at behaviour when a participant is 'intoxciated' ..

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I can't use the quote button but the reason you must abstain from usage for 24 hours would be directly related to the research question.


I would guess that the question or operational definition must in some way require that the participants not be intoxicated at the time of undertaking the experiment.


Possibly studying cannabis withdrawal?


Clarification of that from the researcher would be good.


I also think it would be nice to post a link to your ethics approval for this.


Naycha :peace:


Hi Naycha,


You're right we're asking people to abstain so they're not intoxicated at the time of testing.

Ethics approval code is H0009396 - The effects of MDMA and cannabis on mental flexibility and control (this study is a part of a wider study). Im not sure ethics approval is available online i'll look into it... for now you can request a copy by contacting the Tasmanian Social Sciences Human Research Ethics Commitee.

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Can't find any info relevant to this on the UTAS website, more info please.


A testing sessions can be conducted anytime that would suit you and will be running until September this year.

The research is investigating the Event Related Potential correlates of attention in both current and past cannabis users and non-cannabis users. What this means for you, as a potential participant, is that your brain activity will be measured whilst you perform three simple tasks assessing attention on a computer. Brain activity is measured through a non-invasive method of EEG recording which means that you wear a special cap when performing the tasks.

Prior to the testing session a brief telephone screening is done over the phone and involves me asking you a few questions about your general health and demographic information and drug use history.

You can call/SMS (0477 411 151) or email cannabisattention@gmail.com for additional information.


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