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Police cuts harming community

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Saturday, 19 May 2012, 2:50 pm

Press Release: NORML



NORML - Police cuts harming community



The National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws says police cuts are putting more New Zealanders at risk of becoming victims of crime.


The National-led government requires police to slash $360 million dollars from their Budget over the next three years.


NORML president Julian Crawford said the only way police can save this money without harming the community is to legalise and regulate cannabis.


"Over $300 million could be saved if cannabis was made the lowest enforcement priority," Mr Crawford said.


"While the exact cost of enforcing cannabis laws is unknown, former reserve bank governor Don Brash estimates it costs police $100 million per year."


Mr Crawford said despite the call for cost-cutting, over 30 police officers were involved in a seven-hour raid on the Daktory last month for cannabis-only offences.


"Cannabis laws are a corrupt throw-back to the 20th century, which create criminals out of peaceful and innocent New Zealanders," he said.


"Police spending on enforcing cannabis laws is bankrupting this country and making criminals out of our children."



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