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2 1/2 Weeks Flowering THEN Dry In A Grow Tent...(?) HELP!

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Another question - harvesting is not the best option, but it appears to be the only one left to me now.


If I use the tent to dry them the way T.A.C. has suggested, given these plants are 'immature' in terms of their budding time, am I better to saw them off at the trunk and hang them whole? Or do I buy a drying rack and cut them down to smaller branches. I'm assuming that because of their immaturity, it would be best to leave on all the leaves until I return...(???)


Thanks Guys

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Just throw em man. Not worth the time to dry and smoke. U could make butter as Lou suggested. Personally I wouldn't bother.

If ya leave them going and burn the house down, chances are ya Mrs will be there to put out the fire. If not you will have a good opportunity to grow after that without worrying about the nagging, if ya get my drift.

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Fires? I'm only using the tent to dry them, just Fan IN / (Air-Socked) Fan OUT - that's it. No Lights - is that not good? Just hang what I got upside down and leave undisturbed for 3 weeks. Surely as a first time cropper I have to try to save at least SOMETHING.... some memento. There's at least 6 branches that are 15cm long/thick with buds which feel heavy and sticky. (I'm assuming that's how they should feel...????)


So I'm thinking, at worst I come back to something that might be worth something. And in fact, why not trim off all the branches that I don't think are thick enough, thereby allowing the nutes to go to mama.....!!


Sure, I don't want a fire, so is this a GOOD plan above - YES or NO ???


Whaddaya reckon?

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