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University of Tasmania researchers are looking for people that smoke cannabis to complete an anonymous online survey. The survey asks about the positive and negative effects of smoking cannabis, and general health and wellbeing. It takes 30... minutes to do and all responses remain confidential. In appreciation for the time taken, at the end of the survey participants can enter a prize draw to WIN 1 of 3 $500 JB HIFI online vouchers. To find out more, head to this link: https://surveys.psychol.utas.edu.au/index.php?sid=75648 or email the researchers at cuditstudy_2011@yahoo.com.au . Please ‘share' this....


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Funny story about that. The same day we noticed posters for this survey all around campus, there was an ad in the Utas newsletter asking for participants for another drug study.



This one was looking for people who use drugs when they party, seemed a bit broader than cannabis use. It wanted people to conduct anonymous face to face interviews that would take about an hour.....participants would be reimbursed $40 for their time.


I thought it was almost worth it, but then noticed I had to travel 2hrs to the capital city! Maybe for $200!!

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