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Tell your Member of Congress to defend state medical marijuana laws&#3

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For the first time in five years, the U.S. House of Representatives will be voting on an amendment to prevent the federal government from interfering with state medical marijuana laws. We need you to call your member of Congress and tell him or her to support this amendment.


At the start of the Obama administration, it appeared as if there would be a new approach to medical marijuana by the federal government. Unfortunately, that new approach was short-lived, and it can now be said that Pres. Obama is even worse than Pres. George W. Bush on this issue. Obama’s Department of Justice is relentlessly attacking state-approved medical marijuana providers.


Medical marijuana champions in Congress have decided it is time to send the president a message. The Rohrabacher-Hinchey-Farr amendment will be proposed during the debate on the FY2013 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations bill on the floor of the House. The vote could happen as early as today!


Please visit our action page to look up your member of Congress and use the short script we have provided to send a message encouraging a “yes” vote on this amendment.These calls really do help.


Thank you for taking action!

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