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Weed’s gone to my head

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Weed’s gone to my head..



Head case ... protester




Published: Today at 01:03


Now that’s one joint that’s bound to get everybody jumping...


A reveller with a green cannabis leaf design shaved into his hair holds a massive spliff during a demo calling for home-grown marijuana to be legalised.

Protesters in the Colombian city of Medellin claim it would help to put vicious drug trafficking gangs in South America out of business.

Thousands took to the streets in other marches in Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Guatemala and Argentina on Saturday.

Some lit up spliffs in a show of defiance. So their demos were bound to finish on a high...





March ... in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil




Suck, blow ... this joint's a giant




© News Group Newspapers Limited Registered in England

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good find Kiwi ..

it is interesting that the good ppl of South America fear the murderous power and reach of the drug cartels, (who in their infancy grew from the extraordinary profits generated by Cannabis Prohibition), far more than any law that might imprison them for Cannabis use


this should be an illustration to lawmakers in all countries as to the very real dangers of outlawing the personel use of what is a comparatively benign drug


outlawing Cannabis naturally drives the product underground and sets the foundation for a black market from which enterprising individuals can build empires of wealth in a black economy

this leads to corruption of Law Enforcement, Taxation officials and the politicians who make Laws and are supposed to look after citizens and the Country's best interests ..


we only have to look back to the 1930s Alcohol Prohibition in USA to see enterprising individuals such as Al Capone, Meyer Lansky and others collectively known as "The Mob", become so wealthy and powerful that they built a glittering playground in the American desert called Las Vegas and, as it has been alleged many times over, this 'Mob' even mulled over the idea of the assassinating an American President who sought to face up to the them and clean them up


this leaves no excuse for saying we never thought Prohibition could lead to such a state of affairs that find the South American citizens living in fear of all-powerful drug cartels ..


whats that ole saying .. if we cannot learn from history then we are doomed to repeat it ..


yea, bit of a ramble there aye lol


love that guys haircut too

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