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I am a member here, but I'd prefer to remain anonomous as its a touch humiliating :wacko:


I'm wondering if any male stoners here, have had any problems with "man-boobs" Now be truthfull here. I've heard it can happen but not really anything substantial. Now I dont know if I'm just really paranoid and its just that I'm getting a little chubby, but I sware its like I'm getting tits on my chest. My guts gotten a bit bigger too but I've been as skinny as a rake my whole life.


I've been smoking just over 5 years and I wouldn't call myself a huge smoker, just a few grams a week, and I'm 20 years old so a little young to be getting saggy man tits ;) I'm wondering if its caused by hormone changes, or if I'm just plain packing on some extra weight lately but its really messing with my self confidence and man-boobs aint a good look on a 20yr old single lookin for babes. Any info would help me out as I really hope its just fat..

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Guest Babybear

Ya know i know a few ppl with man boobs, some guys are what we call pigion cheast where when they get to about your age kinda turn to tits , Could be just a few extra pounds ya packin on mate


should work out more or eat less :wacko: i offten wounder if it hormones thou

i know the more weed i smoke the more testosteronce i seam to have so must Take the testosteronce ,


i kinda like aguy with lil bit of cheast , Gives you somethin to hold on while your on top riding the pony hehe ;)


Giddy Up

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If you are worried about your bitch tits then go to the dr and have your hormone levels checked, i doubt it is linked to MJ consumption though.


It might also be fat as people deposit fat in different areas of their body when they gain weight.


There is also gynocemastia (http://www.gynecomastia.org/) but i don't think that's what you have cause AFAIK you get boobs at puberty this way.

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yeah mate, titties are a bad sign, the first step in the path to becoming a dirty dope fiend, I first got my titties about 7 years ago and from there everything got worse, first it was depression then it was schizophrenia, and from then on I was unstopable, at first it was petty shit like getting young innocent girls stoned on pot and taking advantage of their drugged hysteria, but then I started assaulting police officers for no reason and even killed my family, I ended up prostituting myself and letting men feel my titties to keep my dope habit, I was truelly in a sad state. My sperms were misfiring and my load was tiny, and I had super-human strength and a complete lack of morals.


Dope is a one way street mate, reverse out before someone blocks your way, trust me I know, I'm still a dopefiend, but no longer smoking cannabis, cannabis was merely a gateway for my heroin addiction. All cannabis smokers will eventually end up heroin users in the end, you dont believe me??? dont you read the papers....

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