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whats the right ph

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Hydroponic nutrient solutions should be kept in the 5.2 - 6.1 region, with the best range around the 5.5 level. This is because the solubility of nutrients in a solution is different in range to the solubility of nutrients in a bound form in the soil. These forms of nutrient in soil also usually rely on soil biota to provide the actual end form molecule of nutrient to the plants, as opposed to directly feeding these plant ready forms from soluble fertilisers.


So in short, yes, your ph is too low, stick to the 5.5 region and slowly drift up to 6, then reset. This is the optimum region for a hydroponic nutrient system.


All IMO.


Here's a pic of the avalibility of nutrients in different ph levels, both in hydroponic and soil based cultures. lol Perhaps it will make more sense than I do. lol

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