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[Noob Help!] Some sort of pest & nutrient problem?

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http://i.imgur.com/FR0ga.jpg?1 http://i.imgur.com/1JODF.jpg?1 http://i.imgur.com/5RGau.jpg?1 http://i.imgur.com/QpwIj.jpg?1



I just noticed my plant showing some signs of health issues. This happened a few days after I planted it in the soil after being in a pot.

It's sad because it's a Sativa and it's growing ever so slowly as they do! I would like it to recover :(


Any ideas?

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hi justanothertoker & welcome to os :egyptdance:


Yep the pics show a [pssobility of 2 tests @ work - Hoppers (grasshoppers) & grubs. Hoppers tend to munch from the outer rim inwards (see pic #2) and the 'inner holes' created ismost likely to be the crawling grubs. The grubs and not so 'catchable' hoppers have similar remidies, or aleast preventitive action - 1) foloer spray with white oil & 2) regular as is possible inspection and removal of the pest when found. There is a simple 'home Recipe" but i posted it a while back (yrs) - it will be here - go search 'White oil' - yes you can buy a spray pack 'White Oil' from bunnings or garden minded store for a frw dollars (about $10 ?) but be warned hold it way back when applying and is best done at dusk as heat & sun will burn yiour plants badly



In one of the pics they obiously have treiggered flowering - the home recipe won't hurt as it is 'dishwashing liquid of a particular type (search) but not so sure about the poison non-green spray pack.


ps forgett jj's nute lockout hypothsis - soz to be so blunt about it but 'nute lock out' tends to show mostly by yellowing of the leaves. all those pics look as healthy green as they should be. Were all learning - I certainly have not stopped but also as jj says & I agree the suspect is hoppers.

Goodluck justa !



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I'd go hoppers or catepillars. It has been chewed from the outside of the leaf heading in

The Bunnings oil is a chemical, and you can make your own "natural" pest oil

But a simple trick for catepillars is to check each and every leaf both sides and the stem and remove them

Then go by a cheap tin of coffee. Pour a circle of coffee around your plants.

No slugs snails nor catepillars will cross the coffee.



Edited by merl1n
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