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SNRIs and Cannabis



Hi there,


Apologies if this is the wrong place to post this.

I'm one of those annoying newbies ;)


I've been taking anti-depressants for 10+ years. I've only been smoking the last couple of years.

I current take an SNRI anti-depressant at a high/max dosage (only reason being is that my body has only tends to respond to large doses).


I seem to have a very high tolerance to smoking. Do you think this is related?


Interested to hear from peoples experience taking anti-depressants and smoking regularly/daily.

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yer ive been on anti dep an other crap , my tolerance always seemd to be high , same with pot , but they allways staret you off on tablets low an go up , i bet if your doctor kept jacking the dose up you just keep getting used to it , its not realy high tollerance its just your body gets used to what you taking,


same with pot if i stop for a few days , i feel the first bcone good then its just the same as allways


acualy just thinking when i came off prozac a few months ago i did feel more alive not as numb in the head lol , so them tabs might make ya tolerance to pot more , ? pot still feels the same but

Edited by smashed1
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Thanks for the replies.

Yes, I've always started on low dosages of antid-ds, even when starting on new ones, but I always ended up on max doses.

It works for me. I don't mind taking anti-ds, I find that other people have more of a problem with me taking them. Some people can be very uninformed and judgemental I've found with their opinions of psych meds.

When it's available, I probably smoke 1/2 oz a week, and this is just on weeknights and weekends.

Even after a break of a few weeks, or months, if I start back up, the first day is pretty good, then the tolerance is quickly acquired.

I tend to buy from the same grower, and switch it up if I can, but beggers can't be chosers when it comes to supply in my case.

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Been on quite a few SSRI and MAOI groups of anti-depressants.


If you are taking EFFLEXOR DO NOT smoke cannabis regularly, the odd toke is geregularly OK (I'm not a doctor, just going by my own research), but prolonged use of the two together greatly increases your risk of having a stroke.


I generally found that while taking the drugs my tolerance to cannabis reduced, but a long session always ended in long bouts of headaches.


I've been off them now for over 8 months. Feeling alot better. Counseling is what helped me kick the anti-depressants. I've never experienced as many epiffany moments as I did while in 1on1 counseling. I cannot reccomend it highly enough.


Unless you're genetically predisposed to a mental health condition, its highly inappropriate for a GP to be prescribing high doses of synthetic mind altering substances. The first port of call for ANY mental health concern should be a psychologist, they have the specialised knowledge to make the call on whether you do actually need medication (in which case you will be referred to a psychiatrist) or if you just need counseling.

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Thanks for your reply!


It's ok, I'm a prfessional nutter! I've been seeing the same psychiatrist for 10+ years, and he is aware of my smoking habits.

He treats me with meds and plenty of talking.

I don't take Effexor, I'm on Pristiq. Best anti-d ever had in my case.

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I used to be on max dose of effexor 225g but got off that cause of the horrible comedowns, now Im on 60mg of cmybalta/duloxetine, the who time i've been smoking normally, but now I am starting to notice alot of the street weed just doesn't get me too bent does for a while but it doesn't last.

Jester that's quite a big dose..street weed is so shit these days.. My week 5 baby buds kicked ass over street weed.

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