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Hey there guys, I'm not champion grower its actually my first time and I know yes Im growing in winter but I have a technique that im using to grow my plant this winter.

I have it out in normal sunlight for the duration of the day then I bring it under a 400w heat lamp that we have out side and tbh I didnt think the light would work but growing wise my plant has growing pretty fast...


3 weeks in aheres some pictures








Basicly even though its pretty much classed as outdoors im still giving it 18/6 sunlight.


Suggestions on some nutrients/soil/everything for when my baby gets bigger.

Also tonight I repoted it because there we some sort of maggots through out the soil now that might be because the soil was to damp.

Im thinking it might be the polystyrene cup I have it in.


Cheers guys Happy growing.

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Also tonight I repoted it because there we some sort of maggots through out the soil now that might be because the soil was to damp.

Im thinking it might be the polystyrene cup I have it in.


You might want to start googling or something 'cos that doesn't sound too good, any pics?

Edited by Cerberus
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Thanks hidden monkeys, so theres no chemical that will destroy the fuckers. Can I flush my pre potted soil with anything that will rid of the fuckers. Funny thing is there not in my mums garden just in my pots! Atm Im drying the soil out in my pots. Im hoping they dont like dry soil

These things are a pain in the ass.

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Sure there are chemicals that will work. Up to you what you want to use. Pyrethrum as a soil drench will work, but it requires repeated applications, as it won't kill the eggs, only the adults and larvae. Make sure it's natural pyrethrum if you use that though, as the commercial stuff is petroleum based, which will cause rootburn and potentially kill your plants. You want it to be water based. As Naycha said, neem should work too. I've not used it as a soil drench, so can't comment on it personally.
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Can one of you guys link me to some eco-neem please. Something that would be good to buy..

I will look into this Pyrethrum and I dont need to worry about roots atm as I have not got plants in the Pots Im going to be transferring them to!

Thats were these fuckers started, I'm led to believe that there were eggs in the soil when I bought it...But we will see..

Say I did get rid of them what would prevent them from coming back as none of my other NORMAL plants around the house have these critters in them do you think my soil was over fertilised which attracted these things as I did flush some blood and bone and seasol through it..

Cheers for all your help!

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