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Hi there vandezwaan


Yes, I do it to get the goodness into the heads that are getting the light. I do agree with the comment that the removal stops those little buds going mouldy which is a problem I've had previously. I also agree with the airflow being increased thus reducing the likelyhood of mould forming.

But the biggest reason for me is I hate cleaning popcorn bud. So I remove it, increase airflow, get rid of the tiny bits, get rid of the increase of mould spores and in my view, and only my view, my crownies are better for it.

As for getting more light to the bud arguement when I turn the light to 12/12 the increase in growth that shoots up pushes the buds thru the growth canopy anyway, but again, as has been said by others, I only remove (from the canopy) what is dead or dying or turning yellow.


But underneath the canopy, I strip, as you can see



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