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Ive got mates that swear by de leafing when into bud to let the light penetrate the canopy and ive got others that tell me its a huge no no. They all have quite different setups - so hard to tell based on yield who actually knows what their talking about.


What are peoples thoughts on this and has anybody run basically the same grow (nutes, lights etc) with leaves and then done the next one removing most of them to compare?


If you agree with de-leafing - when is the best time to do it?


Any opinions appreciated....

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In my opinion de-leafing is not a good idea. Books like integral hydroponics tells you it's a big no no. The leaves photosythesise the light into energy for the plant so theoretically removing leaves decreases the plants ability to create energy. But saying that a mate of mine has tried both ways with same strains etc and reckons yields were virtually the same so hard to say. I prefer not to remove any unless their about to drop.
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Any reason your posting the same shit in 2 forums? Or just trying to get the count up? Could include all that shit in the one post aswell you know...


And I like to trim off alot of the fan leaves and bigger leaves a week or 2 before harvest. Before then I let them fall off naturally or the leaves that are dead I pull them off.


It is always better to tuck a big fan leaf under a bud, to let more light in rather than cut it off, or even cut the fingers off the leaf if you have too, but dont remove it completely.

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Any reason your posting the same shit in 2 forums? Or just trying to get the count up? Could include all that shit in the one post aswell you know...


And I like to trim off alot of the fan leaves and bigger leaves a week or 2 before harvest. Before then I let them fall off naturally or the leaves that are dead I pull them off.


It is always better to tuck a big fan leaf under a bud, to let more light in rather than cut it off, or even cut the fingers off the leaf if you have too, but dont remove it completely.


As far as I know this is the only forum ive posted this topic in and have only done the one post at the top until now.... what other forum is it in dude???

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im a scrogger aswell like merl1n but i do it a little differently i leave all the leaves but i go through and pluck out every bud site and chop off smaller branches under my screen leaving only the big bud sites at the top to grow this way i dont stress the plant it still has all its leaves and i get all the bud making energy directed to the main tops. i guess im kind of a fence sitter lol


leaves do more than just collect sun light. the plant breathes with them and it stores energy and nutrients in them.


each to there own though. this is one of those questions that is on every forum and you will never get a definitive answer. the best thing to do is study up on how plants work. preferably not on forums. look for proper gardening or horticulure sites and bone up on the facts then make up your own mind. im sure you will find evidence to support both sides it really just comes down to what you feel most comfortable with.

Edited by forgetiwashere
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