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Ozzy grow seasons :S

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Depends on where ya live buddy. But I am a newbie as well. From what i have been told, you want to plant your germinated seeds anytime after Fathers Day (2nd of Sept). Thats because they need the long summer days to grow strong and healthy. Also since its photo sensitive usually, it starts recognizing that the days are getting shorter towards the end and then gives a bumper crop. One of the guys mentioned that he usually does at around mid-november. That seems ideal to me.


Right after that, you should have something maturing to a plant in december, vegging in Jan and feb and flowering in march-apr, as you can prolly feel the days are getting shorter. Aparently if you seed anything now, the plant will get confused and jump to the flowering stage or wont grow to be a healthy plant at all but a stunted little demon.

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For most of the population, the Aussie outdoor season begins when the frosts end in spring and finishes around the end of May. If you are far enough north that winters are mild, there need be no end to the outdoor season. Pure indicas grown outside through the winter wont get very big because they need the long days for vegetative growth. Sativas, on the other hand, don't require a vegetative period as they continue to grow in size throughout flowering and are thus perfect for growing through winter.
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If you live in Brisbane and surrounds plant anywhere from late August to Nov use the moonphases and germinate in the new moon coming into the full you will definitely reep the rewards.Also good rule of thumb is once your minimum temps get over 15 degrees wack those beans in.basicaally the earlier you put ya babies in the bigger the end result.
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