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Organic fertilizers for flowering

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G'day Ozstoners,


Just wondering what a good organic fertilizer for flowering to use?? I have used "seasol" and "powerfeed" during the vegetation stage and now that the blooming stage is just about to start, I am trying to find a good source of organic phosphorus. Most brands I have looked at only seem to have a broad spectrum NPK.


Any help out there would be greatly appreciated!!

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Guano is usally thought of as a good flowering organic fertiliser. You should be able to find a few different brands of organic fertilisers which are high in p and k for flowering, although it would appear you're having some trouble...


You could consider wood ashes, but these are highly acidic and usually result in more problems for the grower than they are worth, unless a lot of effort is used.


I'm not really an experienced grower of mj organically, but there are a few other members here who should be able to help you out. I'm sure they'll pipe in soon. ;) Check out the grow faq for some basic information, you may also get some answers using the search function to find what you're after, there's a lot of info here which is just waiting to be found. ;)


Good luck, let us know how you go in your search. ;) :D

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There are two little goodies you can use in juction with each other, the first one is Canna Bio Flores which is organic and contains hops extract, including magnesium, proteins, cannabinoid's as well as other consitituents like alpha and beta bitter acids.


And the second one is Bio boost which is 100% certified organic. Bio Boost contains (Asparagines Acid, Threonine, Serine, Glutamine Acid, Glycine, Alanine, Proline, Valine, Cysteine, Methionine, Isoleucine, Leusine,Tyrosine, Phenylalanine, Histidine, Lysine, Argine and Tryptofaan), proteins, trace elements, vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12, Folium Acid, Panthotheen acid, Nicotine acid) and enzymes.


From what I have been told from a few growers I know overseas that use these, they are worth their weight in Gold. :P

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