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speeding up the proses

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The C. sativa plant and it's variants are some of the fastest growing annuals in the plant kingdom. ;)


But the best way to make things go smoothly and quickly is mostly through genetic selection. Choose a strain which is appropriate to your environment, and to your needs. Nowadays there's strains out there for just about every need, and some that we probably don't too... :D But choice in genes, (provided that you've got the dough to cough up for it, and you get what you pay for, and you don't kill the plants, that is...) is one of the primary ways of making your grow efficient and quick growing. (If quick is what you want.)


Cuttings also provide a quick way of shortening the process, this can shave several months off the whole grow, but you need either a supply of them, or a motherplant to start with. ;)


You can induce artificially early flowering outdoors by constructing some kind of removable covers for the plants. This should block all light, as to induce 12:12 day:night hours and thus have flowering occur in quick fashion. These kinds of covers could get extremely, and I mean really extremely hot inside unless efforts are taken to cool the plants under them in the daylight, (in oz it's usually bloody nasty too) or the consruction is such that airflow is allowed. I'm not too sure how you'd manage that trick, but there are many ingenious ways of growing out there.


Aside from picking the right strain, and growing with clones and inducing floweirng early in the plants, you will also notice a substantial difference in how long the plants take to mature and finish through culture. By culture I mean how well you look after the plants. The more you limit the plants through any of the main factors, be it less than optimum water, or not quite enough light, or too compact a soil, then the more limits will be placed on the expression of the genes inherent in the plant. They'll only produce what you put in, essentially, so try and get the basic environment as good as you can, and the plants should fall into place.


And with all that said mate, I'll impart the single most important lesson I ever learned from a gardener regarding growing of plants....


"Have patience."


It's a hard one, I know, but it's a necessary lesson IMHO if you're to get the best from your plants.


Hope this has helped mate. ;) ;)

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