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Hi all .


New to this and about to venture into growing my own shit , sick of chasing and feeling like i get ripped off ! 2 options .1. quit ( been tokin 17 plus years , my only vice) 2. grow my own . Great to see sites like this around with helpfull like minded souls .



I would appreciate being steered in the right direction in setting up and maintaining a small 1.2 , 1.2 , 2 m tent .


I read the guide by hash nibbler and it was very helpfull and will build a system very similar to that .



I have a few Q's tho as i want to make sure i can do it with what i have


I am setting the tent up in a tin shed that is about 6m by 8 m about 3 meters to apex of roof and 2 meters to support beams

The shed has fibro or asbestos (unsure) walls inside

It has 2 louver windows and tilt door . The foot path is about 3-4 m to shed door and the neighbors have a granny flat about 5-6 meters away from the side of the garage that has a window . The window has been blocked up with chip board pallet tops to stop sound going straight into neighbors granny flat as i do play guitar with a amp in the shed at night after kiddes go to bed . ( no complaints about the sound of a overdriven guitar yet )

A tent can only go in the back corner ( neighbors side ) of the shed .

Now will i be able run a Centifugal fan and keep the nosie down enough so it is barely audible from the outside of the shed or will it sound like a jet engine . My only issue would to make sure there is not to much excess noise



Also in that space with 2-3 plants is it realistic to get 4-5 oz of dryed smokable gear per grow once i know what i'm doing ?



Appreciate any help

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I would think it's ok. You can wrap the fans in blankets or make a box out of a storage container and fill with foam etc. I have the same size tent as ur looking at and get atleast 400g a harvest off just one plat. I feel one decent plant under 400w is better than 3 smaller ones.
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yea really they not too bad a noise if ya get a reputable brand something like Westflex and as has been said either make a plywood box stuffed with foam or material to encase the whole fan ... when i say they not very noisy im comparing that to your guitar riffs .. so yea shouldnt be to big a hurdle to get over


also prolly right as Token says train one plant to cover the area maybe as good as 3 plants untrained .. search for 'LST' ,' scrog', and you will see how one plant can be trained to cover that area efficiently, always best practice to keep plant numbers at a minimum imo


maKE SURE YOU HAVE THAT SHED 100% LIGHT PROOF TOO .. woops sorry caps hehe


and dont ever tell anyone what ya doing .. ok lol


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Cheers for the reply guys .


Shed is not 100% light proof but brought a secret jardin dark street ii tent and it is suppose to be light proof . will find out soon !

I also got a can fan and it is much more quiet then i thought . Will connect it up to ducting tonight i hope and see what i am dealing with.

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