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Are you a Medicinal Cannabis User?



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The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre at the University of New South Wales is interested in learning about the experiences of people who use cannabis to help manage their medical conditions and symptoms.


If you want to participate in a mail out survey on the uses of cannabis for medical purposes...


Contact Peter Gates on (02) 9385 0269 (during business hours)


If you are interested in participating you will be asked to complete an ANONYMOUS, CONFIDENTIAL mail-out survey examining various issues, including your reasons for use, patterns of use and any benefits or side-effects you may experience.



Distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in

receiving the included information for research and educational purposes


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I have just spoken to Paul Dillion of aforementioned Org and they are still very very keen to hear from medical users (ANONYMOUS, CONFIDENTIAL ) this information is I belive to assist in the developement of government policy (at least in NSW) and therefore is of huge importance to all medical users. I urge you all to participate. For those too shy or in fear of confidentiality to assist the cause publicly, here is your chance to make a difference.
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Can I suggest that someone gets a copy of the mailout, scans it and makes it available here or at MA for people to download and print out so there's no postal address involved?


I'm sure it's entirely confidential and there's little to no risk, but more people may get involved if it's even safer?

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When Proffessor Wayne Hall was heading the board for the NSW gov. into Marijauan for medicine a couple years ago, they called for submissions.


I lived in Tasmnaia at the time, and I asked them the same question.."are they interested in hearing from me? being interstate and all". The answer was yes. They were interested in cannabis user's pattern of use, and success. not where they lived. I wouldn't mind betting this is going to be the same.


I'm not in NSW, but as I made a sub for the first part of the NSW Mj trials, I'll be doing my best to make a sub for this too. It's refreshing to know someone has the good sense to ask the butcher.




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