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Cloning vs Seed

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Token I was looking at a site that compared yeild off concentrates, they also seemed to be indicating a slight drop in potency of the oild and a slight decreace in yeild. I havent confimed this anywhere else.

The site Is Full Spectrum Labs.


Unfortunately FSL shut down in October due to licensing issues in Colorado. They expect to re-open their services once the laws have been settled.


Shame too, I used it all the time, very informative and easy to use, just like leafly

Edited by Cerberus
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It isn't about the speed of growth. When you actually do a grow, you will find that you can get your buds faster from clones because they are more tidy and practical. Like outdoors, seeds are fine but indoors is different. And also, look up sea of green. Multiple clones like this is the best way to get a fast bud. You can't do sea of green with seeds.
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It isn't about the speed of growth. When you actually do a grow, you will find that you can get your buds faster from clones because they are more tidy and practical. Like outdoors, seeds are fine but indoors is different. And also, look up sea of green. Multiple clones like this is the best way to get a fast bud. You can't do sea of green with seeds.

Thats the biggest load of Bollocks I've ever read Animal, besides WA's cannabis laws.. lol ... You can do SOG with seeds, what about autos SOGed......or femmed seeds put to flower at after 4 sets of leaves-SOGed.

Maybe a read in Cannaversity mate.......or just reading in general....... Clones are used cause they easier to get, they ARE faster off the mark, hence why they are widely used. Peace. Nibbler.

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F1 seeds have "Hybrid Vigor"

They are supposed to grow 20% faster than clones.


Sigh... if the mother is a f1 hybrid the clones will all be f1 hybrids as well. Hybrid vigour is not lost through cloning.


The growth difference is between the hybrids and the parents. An f1 hybrid will usually be more vigourous than either of the parent plants used to make the cross.

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Thats the biggest load of Bollocks I've ever read Animal, besides WA's cannabis laws.. lol ... You can do SOG with seeds, what about autos SOGed......or femmed seeds put to flower at after 4 sets of leaves-SOGed.

Maybe a read in Cannaversity mate.......or just reading in general....... Clones are used cause they easier to get, they ARE faster off the mark, hence why they are widely used. Peace. Nibbler.


I have never used femmed seeds so I wouldn't know. I don't like the way that they are created. However, clones are not always easier to get for everyone. For most people they are harder because they require a totally separate light setup from the main grow for the mothers. And autos are for mugs. No one I know uses them for their regular grow. ...and also, clones are not faster off the mark. They take like 10 days to just show roots let alone really get pumping. Seeds pump markedly more "off the mark" so your information is wrong from head to toe.

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Thats the biggest load of Bollocks I've ever read Animal, besides WA's cannabis laws.. lol ... You can do SOG with seeds, what about autos SOGed......or femmed seeds put to flower at after 4 sets of leaves-SOGed.

Maybe a read in Cannaversity mate.......or just reading in general....... Clones are used cause they easier to get, they ARE faster off the mark, hence why they are widely used. Peace. Nibbler.


Quite surprising how many posts you have made. I will elaborate why you cannot use seeds in sog. 1. Non uniform plant canopy. Seeds vary more in their growth rate. This is important for a number of reasons. 2. More extended node development. 3. More topping and manicuring is required if you did this with seeds. 4.

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Wanna split hairs...?


You can use seeds in SOG, been done many a time before... Ideal? No, Possible? Yes...of course.


Autos are used qiute widely, a few members here use them exclusively. Are they mugs?

Funny thing about growin pot...its illegal. Perhaps the reason no-one "you know" uses em.


Your self contradictory posts in this thread alone speak volumes old son, I`ve heard enough...



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