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Cloning vs Seed

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Gday, some growers I respect say cloning is faster than seed, Im not seeing that.

A bean can crack in a cuppla days, and with in fourweeks she's good to go 12/12.


A clone needs what ? 7days to get her roots going, then veg for 3-4 weeks, looks like clones might be a little bit longer.


So im not talking about the difference in advantages/disavantages of cloning, its a must if you want to breed or do any research, however if time is of the essence wich one would get you your buds FASTER?

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Depends on how ya look at it, from seed ya have to let the plant mature and that takes about 6 weeks it can be turned to 12/12 sooner but imo u will get a better plant from seed if you let it mature before going 12/12.


With a clone it can be rooted with 7-14 days once roots show tip once veg for 7-14 days tip again turn to 12/12, that how i do it...

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Cheers, sounds good. Ill factor in the 6weeks needed for beans. Ill need to plan next yr a bit better, this room get way too hot to really do much in summer so maintaining a mum would be the best you could hope for then when temp are right take clones and feed the flower tent after a good 4 weeks theyd be right for 12/12.

Even as I type this I have a bunch of variable muching with my thoughts, getting a perpetual grow up would be a real juggling act.

... but fun

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at the end of the day... seed or clone.... your choice should be made according to your needs......... if you are looking to breed or are a first time grower to find that spesh mother... then seed is your your no choice first option.... from there you have the option of clning the mum if your find the pheno with the traits that you like... it could be taste of end product... smell of the flowering plant.... or finishing time if you are in it for $ instead of quality of product.... at the end of the day... it all comes down to what you are trying to accomplish...
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a big difference is, one plant (the clone) is usually a mature adolescent of a few months of age and therefore in its peak vegetative stage of life


compared to the seed-raised plant which is a few days old and by definition a seedling and therefore has about 4 or so weeks before she at peak vegetative stage of life


so IMO the clone has the ability to pump out a greater vegetative mass earlier and in shorter time than if it was seed raised, just by the fact that it is already in its peak vegetative state


the roots of both still have to establish from square one and possibly there there maybe some advantage the clone has over the seedling because the clone already knows what its doing putting out roots at a greater rate than the seedling


these only my thoughts , nothing scientific ...




just out of curiosity , do you have a clone and seedling growing together when you say cannot see any difference .. 'cause i would have thought the clone would be streets ahead after 3-4 weeks and the difference be obvious .. maybe not?

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